Everyone is welcome to get involved with our Prayer Chain. If you are interested in joining our Prayer Chain or know someone who needs prayers, call the Prayer Chain Coordinator, Martha Keller. Her phone number is published in our Church Directory. You can also submit a Prayer Request using our Online Prayer Request Form.
Or Call Martha Keller
During these challenging times, we still want to be able to pray for our church family. To help ease this process into the future, we are working with Trinity Lutheran Church – Freeport, PA. We now have a unified Online Prayer Request Form for both Churches. This form will work to better coordinate a Prayer Chain for the two Churches to know exactly where prayers are needed. By submitting this online form, we can still pray together in a more efficient way even when we are not physically together.
“Lord, reach out your hand to heal, and grant that wonders and miracles may be performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” Acts 4:30